Written by 9W2BBS - Fahroe Ibrahim | |
Thursday, 27 December 2007 | |
Salam sejahtera, Rakan-Rakan Ham Seluruh Malaysia Untuk menyemarakkan aktiviti radio amatur dikalangan komuniti radio amatur di Semenanjung Malaysia, saya mewakili pihak komuniti Flea Market ingin memaklumkan pihak Mares akan mengadakan Jualan Flea Market seperti di bawah: Tarikh : 6 Januari 2008 Jam : 9.00am hingga 3.30pm Tempat : Kelab Mares Petaling Jaya ( peta lokasi - http://www.mares.org.my/files/map-club.jpg ) Penyertaan adalah terbuka pada semua rakan-rakan radio amatur atau SWL. Para peminat hobi radio amatur dari pelbagai komuniti dapat menggunakan peluang acara Flea Market ini untuk mendapatkan 'value' pada barangan (yang telah tidak digunakan lagi) yang berkaitan hobi radio amatur seperti antena terpakai, komponen-komponen radio terpakai, kabel, buku-buku atau majalah berkaitan radio amatur, barangan homebrew dan sebagainya dengan menjualnya pada hari tersebut. Flea Market juga dapat dijadikan medan mendapatkan perkakasan radio amatur pada nilai terbaik dan ruang khidmat nasihat teknikal secara langsung dengan penjual. Disamping itu aktiviti ini dapat menjadi medan buat para peminat radio amatur mendapatkan perkakasan radio amatur dengan lebih mudah serta dapat mengeratkan hubungan sesama rakan-rakan radio amatur di Malaysia melalui interaksi. Bagi rakan-rakan yang berminat untuk menjual barangan atau perkakasan berkaitan radio amatur atau barangan homebrew pada hari tersebut bolehlah menghubungi saya di hamfleamarket(a)gmail.com untuk tempahan ruang jualan. Sekiranya tidak mahu menempah ruang atau barangan yang ingin dijual adalah dalam kuantiti kecil juga boleh menumpang meja khas yang akan disediakan nanti. Bagi rakan-rakan radio amatur yang berminat membeli atau sekadar 'window shopping' juga dijemput datang untuk memeriahkan aktiviti ini nanti. Selain aktiviti jualan terdapat beberapa aktiviti sampingan semasa jualan nanti. Maklumat lanjut mengenai Flea Market ini boleh dicapai di http://amateur-radio-flea-market.blogspot.com Diharap pihak tuan dapat memaklumkan pada komuniti tuan tentang aktiviti ini dan sekiranya ada yang berminat ingin ikut serta menjual barangan atau mencari perkakasan hobi radio amatur bolehlah menghubungi kami sebelum tarikh tersebut. Kehadiran tuan-tuan nanti amat kami nantikan. Terima kasih. "Flea Market Medan Interaksi Sesama Komuniti' Abdul Mutalib 017-6391632 Komuniti Flea Market 9M2SQL |
31 December 2007
Flea Market Januari 2008
26 December 2007
Kod Etika Radio Amator | | The Amateur's Code |
Amatir radio : | The Radio Amateur is : | ||
| berjiwa perwira. | | considerate. |
| Secara sadar ia tidak akan menggunakan udara untuk kesenangan pribadi sedemikian rupa sehingga mengurangi kesenangan orang lain. |
| Never knowingly operates in such a way to lessen the pleasure of others. |
| adalah setia. | | loyal. |
| Ia mendapat izin amator dari Pemerintah kerana organisasinya dan ia akan setia dan patuh kepada Negara dan Organisasinya. |
| Offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs and the organization, through which Amateur Radio is represented nationally and internationally. |
| adalah progresif. | | progressive. |
| Amator radio selalu menyesuaikan stesyen radionya setingkat dengan ilmu pengetahuan. Ia membuatnya dengan baik dan efisien. mempergunakan dan melayaninya dengan cara yang bersih dan teratur. |
| With knowledge abreast of science, a well-built and efficient station and operation above reproach. |
| adalah seorang ramah tamah. | | friendly. |
| Jika diminta, ia akan mengirimkan beritanya dengan perlahan dan sabar. Kepada yang belum berpengalaman ia memberi nasihat, pertimbangan, dan bantuan secara ramah tamah. Inilah ciri khas Amator Radio. |
| Slow and patient operating when requested; friendly advice and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit. |
| berjiwa seimbang. | | balanced. |
| Radio merupakan hobbynya. Ia tidak akan memperkenankan hobbynya mempengaruhi kewajibannya terhadap rumah tangga, pekerjaan, sekolah atau masyarakat sekitarnya. |
| Radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school or community. |
| adalah seorang patriot. | | patriotic. |
| Ia selalu siap sedia dengan pengetahuan dan stesyen radionya untuk mengabdi kepada Negara dan masyarakat. |
| Station and skill always ready for service to country and community. |
| (The original Amateur's Code was written by Paul M. Segal, W9EEA in 1928) |
,,,,dipetik dari website ORARI....
24 December 2007
Makluman semua warga ham Terengganu,
Pihak MARES mohon bantuan komunikasi bagi membantu kumpulan Perubatan dan Bantuan Bencana, dibawah kelolaan Pihak Berkuasa, bermula pada 26 sehingga 27 Disember 2007 ini. Kumpulan akan bergerak ke daerah Pekan, Pahang.
Mana-mana rakan yang boleh membantu, sila hubungi 9W2STT Salleh di talian 019-2761499 dengan kadar SEGERA. Sila sediakan peralatan dan keperluan komunikasi anda untuk menyertai bantuan ini. Rakan-rakan yang mempunyai kenderaan 4x4 juga amat diperlukan bagi misi kali ini.
Mohon seberapa ramai rakan ham dalam memberi bantuan misi ini. SWL pun boleh ikut serta kerana dapat belajar cara mengendalikan Search and Rescue secara onsite. Sila hantarkan nama, callsign dan no. h/p untuk dihubungi dan hantarkan kepada 9W2STT Salleh di talian 019-2761499 dengan kadar SEGERA atau emailkan ke salleh2@streamyx.com. Jika mahukan surat cuti tanpa rekod bagi kakitangan kerajaan juga maklumkan kepada beliau. JANGAN PERGI SENDIRIAN ke sana, sila maklumkan kepada 9W2STT untuk urusan penginapan dan lapor diri.
Kerjasama dan bantuan semua warga ham radio Terengganu amatlah dihargai.
73 de 9W2AAM.
Segera! Bantuan Komunikasi Diperlukan
Written by 9W2BBS - Fahroe Ibrahim | |
Sunday, 23 December 2007 | |
Makluman kepada Emergency Response Team (ERT) MARES dan semua warga MARES, Bantuan komunikasi diperlukan bagi membantu kumpulan Perubatan dan Bantuan Bencana, dibawah kelolaan Pihak Berkuasa, bermula pada 26 sehingga 27 Disember 2007 ini. Kumpulan akan bergerak ke daerah Pekan, Pahang. Mana-mana rakan yang boleh membantu, sila hubungi 9M2AU Aziz di talian 016-90077639 atau 9W2STT Salleh di talian 019-2761499 dengan kadar SEGERA. Sila sediakan peralatan dan keperluan komunikasi anda untuk menyertai bantuan ini. Rakan-rakan yang mempunyai kenderaan 4x4 juga amat diperlukan bagi misi kali ini. Kerjasama dan bantuan semua warga MARES amatlah dihargai. 73 de MARES ERT. ' SAVING LIVES THROUGH THE AIRWAVES ' de 9w2aam |
Misi Bantuan Kemanusiaan
Written by 9W2BBS - Fahroe Ibrahim | |
Sunday, 23 December 2007 | |
Assalamualaikum Dan Salam Sejahtera, Warga Ham Radio, MARES sedang merancang untuk membuat misi bantuan kemanusiaan ke daerah-daerah pendalaman di Negeri Pahang, seperti di Lancang, Teriang dan sebagainya yang terbabit dengan banjir baru-baru ini. Dengan sedemikan, kami ingin memohon sumbangan dari orang ramai dan warga ham yang sudi dalam bentuk makanan, peralatan persekolahan, wang tunai dan sebagainya. Walau bagaimanapun, sumbangan dalam bentuk pakaian tidak diperlukan. Sumbangan untuk kelancaran operasi misi juga amat dialu-alukan (seperti makanan, petrol/diesel, peralatan komunikasi, dan lain-lain). Segala bentuk sumbangan, bolehlah dihantar terus ke Rumah Kelab MARES. Bagi sumbangan berbentuk peralatan persekolahan, diharapkan agar sumbangan tersebut boleh diberikan dalam bentuk "goodie bag", untuk pelajar sekolah rendah atau menengah. Kandungan "goodie bag" boleh terdiri daripada beg sekolah, peralatan menulis, buku tulis atau peralatan berkaitan. Lokasi penerimaan sumbangan adalah seperti berikut: MARES Malaysia 4A Jalan Tinggi (6/12) Seksyen 6, 46000 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Peta: Klik sini untuk peta lokasi Bagi maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi rakan-rakan berikut:- Presiden - Abdul Aziz, 9M2AU 016-9007763 Setiausaha - Azizul, 9W2FD 012-3713960 Penolong Setiausaha - Fahroe 9W2BBS 012-2353769 Penyelaras Operasi - Salleh 9W2STT 019-2761499 Semoga sumbangan rakan-rakan diberkati dan dapat meringankan beban mangsa banjir yang terlibat. 73 de MARES Akan membantu setakat termampu Bagaimana warga ham dan masyarakat Malaysia amnya? Jom kita pakat memberi sumbangan. de 9w2aam |
Basic Emergency Communication Practices
The following basic guidelines are a starting point towards being a good emergency communicator:
- Listen before transmitting.
- Use standard ITU phonetics.
- Use 24-hour time format.
- Accuracy is the first priority, rather than speed.
- Be clear and concise by not using unnecessary words.
- Talk across the FACE of the microphone.
- Transmit messages exactly.
- Always transmit FACTS rather than hearsay.
- Stay alert -- take breaks when needed.
- Always know your location.
- Avoid using Q-signals or 10-codes in voice transmissions.
- Speak slowly and clearly, with little emotion in your voice.
- Use tactical call signs whenever possible.
- No wisecracks or jokes on an emergency net.
- Never transmit the names of deceased individuals over a voice channel.
- Read every message before transmitting it. If you have questions about what is being communicated, get clarification from the originating party. A good message will never require the recipient to ask for additional information.
23 December 2007
BUT not all organizations MUST call for ham radio operators for help. They might ask us to standby. As long as they can manage to tackle the problems themselves they may not ask for our help. During one air crash in Alor Star, a ham approached the TUDM. The later did not require any outside assistance. Another one was during the landslide in Perak, 9M2AU was called up to standby and monitor on the frequency. The organization concerned also manage to resolve the matter themselves.
If any organization does not need our help then there is nothing that we can do. We can't jump over into it's boundry. Neither should we belittle them . We are not appointed or elected by the government to carry on those jobs. At times a mere handphone is enough to send a message. So let they do it that way. We can't condemn them for using the handphone.
We are not a sharman nor a bomoh. We can't cure everything. We are not expert. We have yet many things to learn. We can't feel we are the greatest just because we have a rig and a repeater.
WE KNOW WE CAN HELP. We help when others need our help. If others refuse we cannot go round the world telling those people are bad for not wanting to accept our offer. WE should know our boundry.
Source: 9M2AR website
20 December 2007
Misi Bantuan Mangsa Banjir Di Lanchang, Pahang
Gambar-gambar diambil oleh 9W2CCW sepanjang perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke tempat lokasi di Lanchang, Pahang.
Source: MARES website
19 December 2007
SAREX Pahang dalam Englishsection
Pahang floods: Amateur radio operators urgently needed
Emergency Service (Mares) is now calling for any
willing and able licenced amateur radio operators to
volunteer their services and join the communications
task force now on duty in Kuantan.
The call was made by the organisation after receiving
a request for emergency communications teams from the
Pahang Civil Defence (JPA3) flood operations office.
According to a statement release by the Mares
information bureau, the first responder team left for
Pekan on Monday Dec 17, and the 2nd and 3rd responder
teams are expected to leave by today.
Mares president Abdul Aziz Mohd Noor, when contacted
said he was initially on emergency communications duty
in Temerloh when the floods first hit and when the
call from Kuantan came.
"I confirmed the request with the relevant authorities
and made the initial groundwork to help with the
communication set-up in Kuantan.
Abdul Aziz said that they are expecting the worst to
come after the Hari Raya Aidiladha as the tides will
be at its highest then.
"We are hoping to have on standy four to six emergency
communications teams consisting of six to eight people
"We are mostly volunteer organisation and we use our
own money for fuel and other necessities," he added.
Therefore we would like to appeal for help in the form
of money and material especially amateur radio sets
especially during times of need like now, he said.
Those interested in giving a hand can contact Abdul
Aziz Mohd Noor 9M2AU at 016 900 7763 or the Mares
Treasurer Tn Hj. Mohd. Dahalan Ahmad 9W2DJ at 012 305
3636 –ES
I'm proud to be MARES members de 9w2aam and standingby
Source : MARES website
Saya salah seorang mangsa banjir di Temerloh Pahang yg juga SWL, amat bangga dan terima kasih kepada Team RESCUE MARES yg byk menbantu penduduk Temerloh tempohari, selain itu dpt menarik minat org ramai kepada MARES dan juga terbuka minda warga Temerloh yg mana rakan HAMS boleh membantu semasa bencana sebegini, Tahniah & Terima kasih kepada Presiden &
de 9w2aam
Source : MARES website
18 December 2007
SEGERA: Ops Banjir di Pekan Pahang perlukan bantuan
Written by 9W2BBS - Fahroe Ibrahim | |
Tuesday, 18 December 2007 | |
MARES telah menerima permintaan bantuan komunikasi kecemasan dari Bilik Gerakan Banjir JPA3 Pahang.Pada hari Selasa dan Rabu(18-19 Dis 07) 2nd dan 3rd Responder Teams akan bergerak terus ke Kuantan Pahang. MARES dan rakan-rakan di Kuantan dan Pekan memerlukan sukarelawan untuk 2nd dan 3rd Responder Teams mulai dari 18 Disember 07. Sesiapa yang ingin menghulurkan bantuan mulai dari tarikh tersebut Sila hubungi 9W2STT - Salleh 019-2761499 dengan kadar SEGERA. 1st Responder Team telah bergerak ke Pekan pada hari Isnin 17 Dis 07. Mereka memerlukan sokongan lebih ramai operator radio. Bantuan dalam bentuk rangsum dan pembiayaan kos misi ini juga amat dialu-alukan. 73 de 9W2FD | |
Sebagai negara yang jarang menghadapi bencana besar, kita percaya rakyat kita juga kurang memiliki persediaan, baik dari segi perancangan mahupun ketahanan mental.
Dalam keadaan begini, kita akan terdengar rintihan dan rungutan daripada mangsa yang berasa susah akibat bencana ini di samping aduan berhubung kelemahan usaha bantuan.
Bagaimanapun, kita percaya berbanding dengan negara-negara membangun lain, Malaysia mempunyai kelebihan dari segi sistem yang mencukupi untuk menghadapi sebarang bencana khususnya banjir yang bukannya suatu yang asing.
Dalam usaha pihak kerajaan memberi segala bantuan yang diperlukan, jangan pula ada golongan tertentu membuat permintaan bukan-bukan atau tidak munasabah.
Ada kewajarannya perkara ini dibangkitkan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Dalam hal memberi bantuan kepada mangsa-mangsa banjir ini, ada baiknya pihak swasta menghulurkan pelbagai bentuk sumbangan bantuan bagi meringankan beban yang ditanggung mangsa dan juga kerajaan.
Namun begitu kita sedar terdapat suatu sifat negatif pada tahap-tahap tertentu yang mana terdapat kurangnya kecekapan dalam mengurus usaha bantuan ditambah pula sikap sambil lewa dan kurangnya semangat kesukarelawan bersungguh-sungguh. Banjir besar tahun lalu patut memberi banyak pengalaman kepada kita.
Bencana seperti banjir yang dihadapi sesetengah negeri sekarang merupakan ujian besar bukan saja kepada mangsa supaya menyemai sifat sabar tetapi juga kepada pihak-pihak yang bertanggungjawab dalam melaksanakan urusan menyelamat dan memberi bantuan.
Satu kesimpulan yang diperoleh daripada bencana banjir sekarang ialah negara ini masih kekurangan pasukan-pasukan sukarela yang dapat digerakkan bagi usaha menyelamat dan membantu mangsa. Sedangkan sektor sukarela merupakan komponen penting dalam masyarakat yang mengamalkan sistem demokrasi dan ekonomi korporat.
Sektor sukarela yang merupakan badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) adalah sebahagian daripada masyarakat sivil yang wajar memiliki peranan besar dalam negara, termasuklah ketika menghadapi cabaran bencana seperti banjir ini.
Justeru sewajarnya apabila berlaku bencana seumpama itu, bukan saja pihak badan-badan kerajaan yang bertindak membantu, tetapi juga pasukan-pasukan sukarela yang bergerak di atas dana sumbangan daripada sektor korporat.
Sesungguhnya pada masa menghadapi bencana seperti inilah, semangat patriotisme dan nasionalisme mampu terserlah melalui kerjasama kerajaan, swasta dan NGO bagi sama-sama membantu warga senegara yang dalam kesusahan.
Dalam keadaan begini, fokusnya adalah membantu mangsa dan meringankan beban mereka akibat bencana ini.
Petikan Dari Rencana Pengarang Utusan Malaysia
17 December 2007
Sertai SAREX Temerloh 2007
MARES dan rakan-rakan di Temerloh memerlukan sukarelawan untuk 3rd and 4th Responder Team mulai dari 17 ~ 21 Disember 07. Sesiapa yang ingin menghulurkan bantuan pada tarikh tersebut
Sila hubungi 9W2STT -Saleh 019-2761499
Bantuan dalam bentuk rangsum dan pembiayaan kos misi ini juga dialu-alukan.
Written by 9W2FD - Azizul Ghazali
Source: MARES website
13 December 2007
Ham radio operators add to relief effort in storm-battered Oregon
December 07, 2007 (Computerworld) -- Telephone lines, power lines, Internet access and cell-phone systems were no match for Mother Nature when three massive storms struck parts of Oregon in rapid succession this week. The storms lashed the region with 120-mph winds, heavy rains and flooding.
Even as modern technologies succumbed to the weather, the long-established, reliable ham radio network was able to fill the gaps and help state and county officials coordinate emergency response efforts and communicate with one another to assist distressed residents across the region.
In Oregon, about 200 volunteer ham radio operators have donated their time since last Sunday night to provide needed communications since the storms struck, said Vince Vanderhyde, emergency coordinator for the amateur radio volunteers who assist the Oregon Emergency Management Agency (OEM).
"I spoke to a woman who's been operating her radio in [the city of] Vernonia for 20 hours straight," Vanderhyde said. "Another guy volunteered to help communicate, then he said he was exhausted and was heading home to clean up his own house, which had been flooded with floodwaters. I have to tell you, it's the most dedicated bunch of citizen volunteers that you can imagine."
"When you get a license, there's an expectation from the FCC that you will take part in emergency communications," he said. "It's a 100-year-old tradition."
The volunteer radio efforts in Oregon continue the long tradition of emergency assistance by ham radio operators. After Hurricane Katrina decimated parts of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi in September 2005, hundreds of volunteer radio operators responded to help the American Red Cross and other relief agencies.
Ham radio equipment starts at about $600 and can go into the many thousands of dollars for radio sets and expensive antennas. All of those costs are borne by the volunteers, who can also use the hardware to communicate with people around the world. The radios can be powered by household electricity, batteries, vehicle electrical systems and even portable generators, allowing them to operate in various conditions. The radios enable communications using voice, Morse Code and even the ham radio equivalent of e-mail -- using computers hooked into the radio systems with special modems, as well as a host of other methods.
Marty Mickillip, communications officer at the OEM, said the massive storms damaged trees that knocked down power and telephone lines, took out three critical fiber-optic cables, and disabled cell phone systems when power was lost. In some areas, power has still not been restored, he said.
"This is an unusual event," he said. "I think the last time we experienced this was in 1996." Flooding has caused several thousand people to evacuate to emergency shelters.
The number of communications established by the volunteers in Oregon this week is unknown, but it's estimated to be in the thousands, said Dean Davis, the Marion County emergency coordinator for the 157,000-member American Radio Relay League Inc., a nationwide amateur radio organization in Newington, Conn.
"These people are out here with their own equipment that they paid for themselves, and they are passionate about their communities," Davis said. "You have an emergency like this, and some of these people really shine."
The efforts of the ham radio operators didn't escape the notice of Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski earlier this week.
"One of the problems in this is always communication," Kulongoski said during a visit Tuesday to Vernonia in an interview with Fox News television affiliate Fox 12 KPTV in Portland. "I'm going to tell you who the heroes were from the very beginning of this ... the ham radio operators. These people just came in and actually provided a tremendous communication link to us."
Kulongoski declared a state of emergency across parts of Oregon on Monday due to the storms and their aftermath.
Source: www.computerworld.com/action/article.
10 December 2007
Radio Hams hailed as 'heroes'
The latest of three storms slammed into the state on Monday, December 3, hitting hardest on the Olympic Peninsula, Kitsap County and the southwestern corner of Washington state as well as the northwest corner of Oregon, leaving at least 73,000 residents without power; more than 50,000 were still in the dark Tuesday. Pacific Power said that nearly 36,000 of its customers were still without power on Thursday. The storm overwhelmed a number of sewage treatment plants, allowing tons of raw sewage to spew into Puget Sound.
National Guard troops evacuated residents in Vernonia, Oregon on Tuesday, December 4, and tens of thousands of residents remained without power after the storms struck that state; Vernonia, a mountain timber town of about 2200 residents on the Nehalem River, is about 35 miles northwest of Portland. The town had been largely cut off by landslides
that blocked roads into the community, but Guard trucks with high clearance were able to get in late Monday.
The governors of Washington and Oregon declared states of emergency, which could speed relief efforts in flood-hit areas.
Throughout it all, Amateur Radio operators were there to help.
In Oregon, after a visit Tuesday to Vernonia, Governor Ted Kulongoski said,
"I'm going to tell you who the heroes were from the very beginning of this.. the ham radio operators. These people just came in and actually provided a tremendous communication link to us."
The Oregon Office of Emergency Management said the radio operators were tireless in their efforts to keep the systems connected. When even state police had difficulty reaching some of their own troops, ham radio worked, setting up networks so emergency officials could communicate and relaying lists of supplies needed in stricken areas.
Amateur Radio's role in again providing communications when other systems were destroyed or overloaded was not missed by the media. Many TV, radio and newspaper items have appeared, praising the hams and noting their service to the communities.
Click 'Play' button to watch this video
ARRL Oregon Section Public Information Coordinator Steve Sanders, KE7JSS, has been responding to many media requests, including an article distributed via the Associated Press.
Click 'Play' button to watch this video |
Portland's KATU Channel 2 spotlighted the role Amateur Radio played throughout the storms.
In Oregon, ARES is still providing communications to the coast, with more than 60 volunteers working at the coast and many more at points in between. The District One Emergency Radio Network was activated at 8 AM Monday morning and was still in operation as of Thursday, December 6; District One ARES serves Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah, Tillamook and Washington counties -- the northwest corner of the state.
According to Sanders, "We are working closely with the American Red Cross as well as the major hospitals, Heartnet radio network and district-wide emergency managers, including the Oregon Office of Emergency Management in Salem."
ARRL Oregon District One Emergency Coordinator David Kidd, KA7OZO, said, "The Red Cross has set up two shelters in Tillamook County and four in Columbia County. The Columbia County Emergency Center reported that Astoria is without phone service and the outage is expected to remain so for the rest of the week. Columbia County will continue to provide 911 service and relays for Clatsop County. The ham station continues to be operational at the Vernonia Fire Department and has contact with Clatsop and Columbia Counties and is relaying traffic as needed and will support
the Red Cross resupply operation in progress."
According to Sally Jones, Administrator for the Columbia 911
Communications District, "The 911 lines that would normally be answered in Seaside and Astoria for callers in Clatsop County were diverted by the phone company to the Columbia 911 Communications Center on a temporary emergency basis. The emergency phone calls are being taken by
Columbia 911 staff who are relaying the information via Columbia County and Clatsop County Amateur Radio Emergency Services volunteers to the police fire and emergency medical dispatchers in Clatsop County, who
then are activating Clatsop County first responders." Clatsop County's 911 service also went down in the storm, but officials there relied on ham radio operators to transmit messages, including information about people in need.
The National Weather Service reported that flood warnings were issued earlier in the week but cancelled a bit after midnight (PST) Thursday for the Nehalem River near Foss, affecting Clatsop and Tillamook Counties and South Yamhill River at McMinnville, affecting Yamhill County. Flood warnings are still in effect Friday morning for the Tualatin River at Farmington, affecting Washington County. Most rivers across Washington and Oregon have crested and are falling below flood stage. Flooding does continue on a few rivers with record flooding on the Chehalis River in Washington and on the Tualatin River in Oregon.
Bonnie Altus, AB7ZQ. Photo courtesy QRZ.com
According to ARRL Oregon Section Manager Bonnie Altus, AB7ZQ, telephone and electric services were slowly coming back as of Thursday evening.
"It sounds like some telephones were starting to be restored in the worst hit areas last night and today. Clatsop County got some phones back for a few prefixes last night, and Vernonia started getting some phones back this morning," she said.
"A medical clinic in Vernonia had to be relocated due to flood damage and there are some medically fragile people in the Red Cross shelters there," Altus said. "Where they had this shelter set up, landlines are not readily available and cell phones are not always reliable, so the net is continuing to support them." She said that the ARES net is operating from 6 AM-9PM daily.
ARRL Western Washington Section Manager Jim Pace, K7CEX, said, "The Washington and Oregon Coast and inland areas of Western Washington were struck by extreme winds (maximum gusts of over 100 miles per hour) and torrential rains. Although none of Western Washington was spared, the counties of Grays Harbor, Pacific and Lewis seemed to be hit the hardest.
In Lewis County, where I live, dikes broke allowing three rivers to flow over Interstate 5; most of the cities of Centralia, Chehalis, and Adna were almost completely under water." Rescue operations are being handled with helicopters from the US Coast Guard, National Guard, Navy, King County Sheriff and Air Lift Northwest, Pace said. "On Tuesday, the ham station at Thurston County EOC reported 60 people had been picked off of roof tops so far. Lewis County reported similar situations with nearly 200 folks. Rescue operations will go through the night again tonight."
Pace said that Southwest Washington has been "hit pretty hard. In fact, the flooding has trapped me in my neighborhood. There are several teams working to support assessment and rescue. Sheriff, Coast Guard and Navy
helicopters are picking folks off of rooftops and out of destroyed homes. The water has closed Interstate 5 for about 20 miles -- at one point the depth is 9 feet over the pavement."
In Washington, some 130 people had to be rescued from flooded areas by Coast Guard helicopters. Mudslides and floods blocked roads, and Interstate 5, the principal north-south route along the West Coast, was closed near Centralia because of about 10 feet of water over the road.
Many schools and government offices were closed for a second day. Mudslides also halted Amtrak passenger train service between Portland and Vancouver, British Columbia.
Mudslides blocked numerous roads and forced an undetermined number of residents to evacuate condominiums, apartments and houses in Seattle, at least nine houses in suburban Burien and several mobile homes in
Washington Governor Chris Gregoire, who toured the ravaged region by helicopter Tuesday, touched down at a high school shelter in Chehalis and offered encouragement to the roughly 40 people staying there. She also ordered a plane to deliver food and emergency supplies to the high school in Pe Ell, about 25 miles to the west, because the roads were blocked by water. "It's hard to comprehend 5-10 feet under until you see those houses," Gregoire said. The governor also flew to the water's edge on Interstate 5, which has been shut down since Monday at Centralia because of flooding. On Tuesday, officials said a three mile section of the road was under as much as 10 feet of water from the surging Chehalis River.
Pace said that in Pacific County ARES members have been manning the County Emergency Operations Center at South Bend "almost 24/7. Ham radio has been the only reliable means of communications in the county since the landline and cell phones have been out of service."
The Thurston County Department of Emergency Management activated ARES on Tuesday, December 4 to support ongoing flood evacuation operations in southwest portion of the county. The team staffed the County Emergency Operations Center's radio room in Olympia and manned sites at the
Rochester Fire Station, various evacuation centers as well as landing zones for the helicopter rescue teams. "They used Amateur Radio to coordinate resources and limited tactical traffic between sites," Pace said. "Hams were also primary operators on several county radio systems.
One ham was stationed at the Rochester helicopter landing zone all day Tuesday, even though he knew his own business was in trouble from the high water and will have to be rebuilt."
Other hams, Pace said, who were not activated, helped in other ways. "At the request of local agencies, some filled sand bags while some manned phones to take damage reports at Seattle's Office of Emergency Management." Some teams have been activated but have not had an opportunity to report. "Others, such as the Lewis County Team -- the
area hardest hit by the flood -- were cut off from traveling; however, when the local 147.06 repeater failed, Lewis County hams got on simplex and HF frequencies to check on each other and put themselves on standby for deployment when roads became passable," he said.
Pace praised the amateurs in the Western Washington Section: "They train the way they're going to respond, and they respond the way they are trained. Some will report to duty and never see a microphone, but will make copies, log data, empty wastebaskets, direct vehicle traffic and fill sand bags -- whatever needs to be done -- and never complain once."
The ARRL will update this story on the ARRL Web site as more information becomes available. The main priority of the Oregon and Western Washington Section leadership is assisting their served agencies. As they update the ARRL, the information will be posted online.
Source: www.southgatearc.org
04 December 2007
Source: MARES website
02 December 2007
Those were the days, lots of fond memories. One of my favourites TV shows.