25 September 2009

This Week in Amateur Radio International

Stories covered and special features in This Weeks edition:

01. ARRL plans federal court appeal of certain BPL rules and regulations.

02. New law makes amateur radio part of the Emergency Communications Community

Malaysia may be the next country to drop the morse code requirement.

04. The FCC docks travel center for marketing non-certified CB's as ham gear.

05. The ISS crew has to move the Soyuz capsule from one port to another.

06. A CB QSO in Vancouver, leads to an arguement, and a fatal shooting.

07. The ARRL presses the FCC to release the "Omnibus" Amateur Radio R&O.

08. 160 meter experiment will explore Marconi;s 1901 transatlantic success.

09. The UK lifetime amateur license is on hold until December.

10. The FCC warns a trucking company to keep its trucks off the 10 meter band.

11. A Northern California amateurs license renewal is designated for a hearing before an administrative law judge.

12. The Gateway 160 Meter Net Report with Vern Jackson, WA0RCR.

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