25 September 2009

Ethics and Operating Procedure for the Radio Amateur

A message from 9W2STT/M0GJE

Salam sejahtera,

Kebelakangan ini ramai bercakap tentang perlakuan ham yang tidak mengikut SOP.

Mengikut Mr Beattie, wakil Region 1 ke Mesuyarat IARU Administrative Council di German pada Jun 2008, terdapat persepsi bahawa Operating Standard telah dirosakkan oleh:

(1) sebilangan kecil [ham] yang "suka buat bising,"

(2) sebilangan ham yang beranggapan sesuatu frekuensi itu milik mutlak mereka sahaja, dan

(3) sebilangan ham yang seolah-olah bajingan (anarchist) yang sentiasa ingin berkonfrontasi dengan pihak berkuasa.

Mesyuarat IARU Administrative Council pada 24-25 Jun 2008 mengambil ketetapan menerima pakai satu dokumen bertajuk "Ethics and Operating Procedure for the Radio Amateur" sebagai dokumen rujukan semua pihak.

Sukacita saya syorkan rakan-rakan download dan teliti dokumen ini. Banyak perkara yang tidak jelas dalam dokumen "Guidelines for Amateur Radio in Malaysia" dijelaskan dalam "Ethics and Operating Procedure for the Radio Amateur."

"Ethics and Operating Procedure for the Radio Amateur" Versi Januari 2009 kini boleh didownload dari website IARU Region 1 atau 2 melalui link di bawah;

http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=173&func=startdown&id=19 atau melalui; http://www.iaru-r2.org/ethics-and-operating-procedures-for-the-radio-amateur/

Di bawah ini adalah resolusi 08-1 yang telah diluluskan pada IARU Administrative Meeting di Konstanz, German 24-25 Jun 2008. Ringkasan lengkap minit perbincagan boleh dibaca di sini: http://www.iaru.org/ac-0806min.pdf

concerning operating standards
The IARU Administrative Council, Konstanz, June 2008,

noting that the Amateur Radio Services are services which rely on self regulation for effective use of their spectrum allocation, and

further noting that poor operating behavior adversely affects the enjoyment of all radio amateurs and does not enhance the reputation of the Amateur Radio Services,


  • that all radio amateurs be encouraged to operate to the highest levels of proficiency, with proper consideration for others using the amateur radio bands;
  • that the necessary effort be made by member-societies to teach newcomers and others correct operating behavior;

and therefore

  • endorses and recommends the principles set out in the booklet “Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur”1 by John Devoldere, ON4UN and Marc Demeuleneere, ON4WW, and
  • encourages each IARU Region to consider this booklet, with a view to adopting it, including any Regional variations that might be felt appropriate.


73 de Leh

Untuk menjadi radio amatur yang baik kenalah ikut tatacara SOP dan peraturan yang telah ditetapkan sepertimana pemandu yang mengikut peraturan jalanraya de 9w2aam