09 January 2008


QRX means 'I will call you again at...' or 'When will you call me again'. You usually say 'QRX one ( one second or one minute )....QRX 15 minutes I am going to make a cup of coffee..". Some literature defines QRX as 'Hold on a minute, I will be right back". The Wikipedia difines it as "Hold on a minute, I will be right back..".

The Cylopedia.com has a similar meaning. So is nodework encylopedia.com .QRX does not mean 'I am going QRT but I am not closing down the station'. In fact on phone several essays suggeste that it is better not to use codes made for CW. If you want to sign just say you want to sign. You can monitor after signing. You can also go to fish market after signing. If you pull the big switch then you switch off your station.

Sometimes you say '..see you again further down the log..'. Log can mean the logbook. His station will be the last station when you contact him. Then there will be another last station and last and last; further down the log. Remember it will be better for you to mention QRX followed by the time frame. If you say 'QRX 10 seconds..." you must call the station you are contacting in 10 seconds time. Of course plus-minus 10 seconds. If you are not sure how long, you can say "Please QRX for a few minutes, I got a land line..." or "QRX for a while, I'll be back after I finish my job" . Other words which you can use is 'please stand-by','hold on'. Or you can say ' I am signing but I will be monitoring'. Sadly enough now 9M2s are using QRX to mean QRT and Temporary QRT. QRT does not mean 'closing down the station'. It means '...stop sending..'. Your radio can still be on. But if you pull the big switch, your radio is off. DO READ SEVERAL ARTICLES CAREFULLY BEFORE PREACHING WITH CERTAINTY.